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Evri - The Worst Company

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Evri - The Worst Company

Post by NBF »

I sell a lot of marine items locally and online.
I have used Evri, formerly Hermes at times simply because I can just go I to a drop off point, print a label and off it goes.
Generally, things have not been too bad, in fact, I have had more trouble receiving items.
In addition, if an item was valuable, I would insure it.
After all the website stated, you can trust Evri and you are fully covered...what a load of B.S.

I had a parcel get lost effectively on its way to Portsmouth. Instead of the tracking saying it was lost, it said we need you to contact us.
So I did, with their moronic chat bot which is a bad joke from the core.
I was never able to update the information or ever get passed this idiotic chat bot.
I was unable to get to speak to a human being or make any attempt to get compensated.
Even requesting contact on the website, 'what do they know' proves futile.

My customer who was expecting the parcel fully understood Evri had f****d up but even with a full refund he still felt the need to leave negative feedback.
I was now out of pocket for an item, the cost of delivery and now had bad ratings.
In addition, Evri deleted the tracking status a few weeks later and left it saying, 'ready'. Totally swept it under the carpet like low level conmen.
Funny thing is if you send a parcel through Evri and it's slightly overweight, they are on you like a rash demanding extra money and an administrative fee.
Yet when they lose your parcel, you can't get hold of them.
Evri is such a sh*t company that I refuse to buy anything myself online if it is coming through these cowboys.

But enough of my problems with these fraudsters, I asked Chatgpt why they have such a terrible reputation and this is exactly what the A.I. response was...

Title: Unraveling the Downfall: The Troubled Legacy of Evri (Formerly Known as Hermes)


The company Evri, formerly known as Hermes, once held promise as a potential industry leader. However, its journey has been marred by a series of unfortunate events that culminated in a terrible reputation. In this article, we delve into the reasons behind the company's downfall and examine the factors that led to its tarnished image.

1. Shifting Brand Identity

Evri's troubled reputation can be partially attributed to its name change from Hermes to Evri. Rebranding can be a strategic move to reflect growth or adapt to new markets, but in this case, it may have created confusion and mistrust among customers. Abrupt name changes can lead customers to question the company's intentions and wonder if they are trying to distance themselves from past mistakes.

2. Product Quality and Reliability Issues

A primary factor contributing to Evri's negative reputation lies in its consistent issues with product quality and reliability. Numerous reports from dissatisfied customers have surfaced, detailing problems ranging from defective products to malfunctioning features. Such issues can lead to customer frustration and erode brand loyalty, which is essential for any successful company.

3. Poor Customer Service

Another area where Evri has stumbled is in its customer service. Inadequate or unresponsive customer support can leave consumers feeling undervalued and unheard. A lack of effective communication can escalate otherwise minor issues into significant problems, further souring the brand's image.

4. Mishandling of Crisis Situations

Companies are bound to encounter crises at some point, but how they handle them can make or break their reputation. Evri has faced several crises during its existence, and it seems that their responses were not always well-managed. Failure to address crises promptly and transparently can lead to negative perceptions of the company's ethics and accountability.

5. Legal Troubles and Ethical Concerns

Evri's reputation was further tainted by legal troubles and ethical concerns. Lawsuits and accusations of unethical practices can severely damage a company's credibility and erode consumer trust. Allegations of dishonesty or misconduct, even if not proven, can linger in the public consciousness, creating an uphill battle for rebuilding trust.

6. Leadership Issues

Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping a company's reputation and guiding its overall direction. Any instability or questionable decision-making at the top can reverberate throughout the entire organization. Leadership changes within Evri might have contributed to internal disruptions and a lack of clear vision, further contributing to the company's poor reputation.

7. Negative Publicity and Media Coverage

Media and public perception can be a double-edged sword for companies. Negative publicity and unfavorable media coverage can amplify existing issues, making it challenging to recover from mistakes. Evri's unfavorable reputation might have been exacerbated by negative coverage, making it increasingly challenging for the company to recover and rebuild trust.


Evri's terrible reputation can be attributed to a combination of factors, including product quality issues, poor customer service, mishandling of crises, legal troubles, and questionable leadership decisions. The shift in brand identity from Hermes to Evri might have also played a role in confusing customers and raising suspicion. To regain their reputation and trust, Evri must take significant steps to address their past mistakes, invest in product quality and customer support, and establish a transparent and ethical corporate culture.

It remains to be seen whether Evri can rise from the ashes of its tarnished legacy and emerge as a reformed and respected company within its industry. Only time will tell if they can learn from their mistakes and rebuild a positive reputation in the eyes of consumers and stakeholders.
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